Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Big Girl
Ok... so I've becoming terribly bad at updating this thing. I'm thinking of quiting all together. I love that I am doing it so that in the future I will have Hayden's first year down and something we can all look back on but it just feels like homework - and lets face it... nobody likes work. But I'm am going to try to keep doing it. We'll see... no guarantees.
Hayden is 7.5 months - she will actually be 8 months in about a week. She has changed so much, it seems like she is such a little sponge. She can now completely sit up unassisted. Although she occasionally has a tumble if she is too into playing with her toys... or Misha knocks her over. She has one bottom tooth and the second bottom tooth is just breaking on thru (she was a monster because of this today). She says "ba ba ba ba ba" over and over again. I started teaching her baby sign language a couple days ago. I 've only started with Milk, More and Food. They say start with three at a time. I haven't seen her do any of them yet, but I know it will take a while before she picks them up. I've been trying to remember to do them as much as possible, and have told Dad to do the same when I'm not home. She can take a bath in the real bathtub... not her baby bathtub anymore. She loves to splash her hands in the water, and she doesn't mind when I pour water over her head to wash the soap off. She is a great bather! She eats Puffs, pieces of bananas, ham, roast beef, bread, and apples with cinnamon sprinkled on. She has gotten pretty good at her pincer grasp. Although some pieces still do end up on the floor, on her face, wedged under her neck, and down her shirt. She rolls all over the place - I have officially started baby proofing ( actually I just put a couple foam thingys on the corners of the coffee table). She loves looking out the window - she could do this for hours I swear. She loves when Misha licks her face because she gets a big smile on her face, and she hates when she has to play by herself for too long.
So far Hayden has been to 3 weddings, 2 funerals, 1 birthday party, 1 pool party and has celebrated 2 major holidays. She took her first boatride this summer, has gone horse back riding at grandma and grandpas, spent a whole week a way from Mommy and Daddy, and has spent an entire week with her cousin Megan.
Since I think it is just absurd not to post pics in a blog post (especially of cute babies), so I am going to put some up in a separate post.
Hayden is 7.5 months - she will actually be 8 months in about a week. She has changed so much, it seems like she is such a little sponge. She can now completely sit up unassisted. Although she occasionally has a tumble if she is too into playing with her toys... or Misha knocks her over. She has one bottom tooth and the second bottom tooth is just breaking on thru (she was a monster because of this today). She says "ba ba ba ba ba" over and over again. I started teaching her baby sign language a couple days ago. I 've only started with Milk, More and Food. They say start with three at a time. I haven't seen her do any of them yet, but I know it will take a while before she picks them up. I've been trying to remember to do them as much as possible, and have told Dad to do the same when I'm not home. She can take a bath in the real bathtub... not her baby bathtub anymore. She loves to splash her hands in the water, and she doesn't mind when I pour water over her head to wash the soap off. She is a great bather! She eats Puffs, pieces of bananas, ham, roast beef, bread, and apples with cinnamon sprinkled on. She has gotten pretty good at her pincer grasp. Although some pieces still do end up on the floor, on her face, wedged under her neck, and down her shirt. She rolls all over the place - I have officially started baby proofing ( actually I just put a couple foam thingys on the corners of the coffee table). She loves looking out the window - she could do this for hours I swear. She loves when Misha licks her face because she gets a big smile on her face, and she hates when she has to play by herself for too long.
So far Hayden has been to 3 weddings, 2 funerals, 1 birthday party, 1 pool party and has celebrated 2 major holidays. She took her first boatride this summer, has gone horse back riding at grandma and grandpas, spent a whole week a way from Mommy and Daddy, and has spent an entire week with her cousin Megan.
Since I think it is just absurd not to post pics in a blog post (especially of cute babies), so I am going to put some up in a separate post.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Happy 1/2 Birthday Hayden!!
Hayden is now 6 months old... and boy is she getting big! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. I probably shouldn't be saying this, as she just recently started sleeping through the night and I finally have my sanity back, but I am starting to get baby fever. Mike and I don't have any plans right now, but we have officially decided that we are going to start trying again around next June (knock on wood) If it happens then or not we will see. We would ideally like them to be about 2 years apart. Mike has reminded me numerous times that he only wants 2... but he knows I want 3, and I think I will be able to convince him. he he. Well see.
So here are Hayden's stats from her 6 month well baby check up today:
Length: 26.5 inches
Weight: 16lbs 4oz
Head: 16 inches
So I guess she is doing pretty well, her pedi said that as long as they remain on the same curve they are doing great. Hayden did have to get 4 shots today though, which she was not happy about... my eardrums were not happy either. They gave her the flu shot today because the next time we will be back won't be until November - well into Flu season. I haven't completely decided what I am going to do about the H1N1 shot yet - it hasn't been tested on babies or children at all which makes me nervous. Plus I think the fact that Hayden isn't in daycare or around other people that much makes me think she shouldn't be as suseptible. I'm leaning towards not having her get it at all - but we will just wait and see.
So I've been trying to come up with fun activities I can do with Hayden since I pretty much label myself a stay at home mom... even though I do work at night. I went to our local libraries website and discovered that they have Baby Storytime for babies age birth to 24 months. Its completely free and they sing songs and read books and do all kinds of interactive stuff. It is every Mon, from Sept. 14-Oct. 26 at 10:30 - so I registered us. I am super excited about this!! Plus, the library is only a couple blocks away so we can take the stroller and walk there.... and then I will get my workout in for the day :) The only thing I am a little worried about is that right now 10-11am ish is Hayden's naptime. Yikes!!
So here are Hayden's stats from her 6 month well baby check up today:
Length: 26.5 inches
Weight: 16lbs 4oz
Head: 16 inches
So I guess she is doing pretty well, her pedi said that as long as they remain on the same curve they are doing great. Hayden did have to get 4 shots today though, which she was not happy about... my eardrums were not happy either. They gave her the flu shot today because the next time we will be back won't be until November - well into Flu season. I haven't completely decided what I am going to do about the H1N1 shot yet - it hasn't been tested on babies or children at all which makes me nervous. Plus I think the fact that Hayden isn't in daycare or around other people that much makes me think she shouldn't be as suseptible. I'm leaning towards not having her get it at all - but we will just wait and see.
So I've been trying to come up with fun activities I can do with Hayden since I pretty much label myself a stay at home mom... even though I do work at night. I went to our local libraries website and discovered that they have Baby Storytime for babies age birth to 24 months. Its completely free and they sing songs and read books and do all kinds of interactive stuff. It is every Mon, from Sept. 14-Oct. 26 at 10:30 - so I registered us. I am super excited about this!! Plus, the library is only a couple blocks away so we can take the stroller and walk there.... and then I will get my workout in for the day :) The only thing I am a little worried about is that right now 10-11am ish is Hayden's naptime. Yikes!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
So I'm trying to decide on what Hayden should be for Halloween. I'm not going to take her trick or treating... or anything like that cause she will only be 8 months, but I just want to dress her up in something cute so I can take a gazillon pics, plus its her first Halloween and all. I found a few cute ones - here are the contenders:
LadyBug Cow Peanut Yoda
LadyBug Cow Peanut Yoda
Whadya think? Any favs?
Well... the only thing is that these are all under 20 dollars... cause I can't really justify to my husband spending more than that on an outfit she is going to wear for a couple hours. Otherwise, I saw some cute costumes at Babies R Us that are actually sleepers... and only 8 bucks. So she could technically wear it again. Well... I guess I still got 2 months to decide.
In other news: Hayden is officially 6 months old! Happy 1/2 B-Day Miss Hayden!! ... and as your father would say "Time to go out and get a job." Love ya Chunky Monkey (yes... she is one chunkey baby.. but I don't care cause it's soooo cute, suits her well).
Till next time...
Friday, August 14, 2009
5 Months
Sorry it's been awhile, I've been busy keepin' up with Hayden! She is growing so fast. She is such a chunker butt... I can't wait for her 6 month appt. to see how much she weighs... it's gotta be a ton. Not much new here, she is pretty close to sitting up on her own, but not quite yet, probably a few more weeks before she'll have that down. She is a pro at eating solids. She opens her mouth as wide as she can as soon as we put her in her high chair. And if we don't deliver the food to her in less then 5 seconds from the moment we put her in there she starts whining (which actually I think she's learned from Misha) Although sometimes she would rather lick the food off her bib then eat of the spoon in front of her face, she does pretty well for still being under 6 months. So far she's tried these veggies - squash, sweet potato, and peas. And these fruits - bananas, pear, peaches, and applesauce. She's also had some avocado but I'm one of those people that has no idea if its a fruit or a veggie.... so we'll throw it in it's own catagory. She has finally started sleeping through the night... thank god! She goes down around 8-8:30pm and doesn't wake up until 7-7:30am. I'm finally getting more than 4 hours of sleep in a row and lovin' it! Though we've had to switch to Huggies at night because the Target brand just doesn't hold it all until morning and we've had a few accidents. Oh... and her new fav toy is the TV remote - Yah!
So, I don't think I've mentioned this in any past posts but Hayden was born with a birthmark on the back of her head. It isn't anything too out of the ordinary, but it is about the size of a half dollar, brown and flat. Just your average birthmark. Her pediatrician has recommended that she see a pediatric plastic surgery, apparently just to check it out and make sure its ok because of the fact that it is located on her head. Well... her appt was back in June, and I had to work so Mikeed took her. He came home and told me that plastic surgeon says that it is too early to tell what should be done about it. ( He mentioned possible surgery). But he wants us to come back in a couple months and then he will decide. WTF?? So basically we had to pay this guy $100 to tell us nothing... WOW! And we don't think she needs surgery.. we're pretty sure he just wants to make money. I hate doctors like that! I'm still debating whether or not I want to take her back to see him again.
Here are some recent pics from the past month:
I heart Daddy.
My semi-new highchair Mommy got me on Craigslist for only 30 bucks - reg. sells at BRU for over $100. Love it! Although I had to throw the straps away because they smelt nasty from the previous baby that owned it. Other than that its great!
Monday, July 13, 2009
So I decide to start making some baby food this weekend. Saturday I made Avocados and Sunday I made Sweet Potatoes, Zucchini Squash and Applesauce. For the most part it was pretty easy and fun! Here are some pics:
Sweet Potatoes
Step One:
Step Two:
Step Three:
Step Four: Enjoy!
My freezer - the pink and blue containers I found at the dollar section at Target, 6 containers for $1 and they are the perfect size for baby food!
Hayden enjoying her orange popsicle.
... and trying to be a big girl and hold her bottle herself.
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July
We went back to Tomahawk for the the 4th of July this year. Luckily, car rides with Hayden go really well as she just sleeps the entire time - which means mom also gets to sleep! (Dad drove and Misha rides shotgun). We got to my parents on Friday and just hung out for a while and then Grandpa and Grandma babysat while we went downtown with Kelly and enjoyed the festivities going on. I have to say it is fun to go back once in a while and run into people you haven't see in years! Saturday we went out on the boat for a while out on the Wisconsin River. It was Hayden's first boat ride, and I had bought an infant life jacket for her trying to be a "good parent" and all. Well, first of all, getting her in it was a challenge in itself. Then, once she was in it she looked pretty uncomfortable. I made her wear it for about 15 minutes and then we took it off her. There was no way she was enjoying herself with that thing on her. She seemed to enjoy herself after that for the most part. I thought maybe she would be scared of the loud motor but she was pretty content... until she got hungry of course. Then Sat evening we had a campfire, the neighbors came over and we let off a bunch of fireworks. Then on Sunday, Tarsie, Gary and Kelly came over for a while to visit. And after that we hit the happy trail back to Minnesota! That pretty much sums up the 4th for us - very fun and relaxing! And note to self: Misha will be sleeping outside with Dakota and Kacey next time.... lets just say she got into some Green Chili Dip and had a little accident in the guest bedroom at 4 in the morning!!
*New accomplishment of the week: Hayden can almost hold her bottle all by herself!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
There is something wrong with this picture...
Sleeping Throught the Night & Vaccinations
It's time to celebrate!! Hayden has finally started sleeping through the night. I am still a little hesitant about getting all excited about it, because it's only happened two nights now and knowing her unpredicatability she could go back to getting up at night. Anyways, she usually goes down between 8 and 9 and then yesterday she didn't wake up until 7:30am and today she didn't wake up until 7am. I was not only pleased but so amazed that I was actually able to get a good nights rest! Even though I don't get home from work until 11:30 and don't usually go to bed until midnight. But this is definitly a reason to celebrate in my book!!
Hayden also had her 4 month well baby checkup yesterday. I don't know if I have said this before, but I really like Hayden's pediatrician. She seems so intelligent, and she always talks to us like a regular person, and not a stuffy Dr. who has a "god" complex. Hayden received two shots and one oral vaccination (rotovirus). She didn't quite do as well as last time, but that was because I had to wake her up in the middle of her nap to bring her to her appt. I guess I didn't plan that one very well. I've really never seen her scream so hard. But as soon as we were done and I got her back in her carseat she fell back asleep (and slept for 3 hours!) She now weights 14 lbs. and 12 oz. and she is 25 inches long. So she is in the 75th percentile for length and 50th percentile for weight. I can't believe how big she is getting... and so fast!
Here is a picture of her cute Garfield bandaids she got:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
4 Months Old!
Today Hayden is 4 months and 1 day old. She is getting so big and learning all kinds of new things. She rolled over for the first time this morning. I had her on her tummy for "tummy time" and all of a sudden she flipped over onto her back! So that is the exciting news for the day! I haven't posted on here in a while, and alot of things have happened since. So where do I begin. First of all, I am currently only working part-time. We worked it out so that I work in the evenings when Mike is home, therefore we eliminated daycare. So we are actually saving money now. Plus I get to stay home with my baby all day!! I love it! Here is just a little list of all of Hayden's new accomplishments in the past couple months:

- She started eating solids! She loves Squash and Peas... but hates Bananas!
- She no longer needs to be swaddle at night to sleep, although she hasn't started sleeping completely straight through the night yet.
- She has complete head control - ok, maybe about 98% of the time.
- She has a few new toys, to include: a bumbo, a jumperoo (which she plays in until she wears herself out and I find her passed out in it), new books - she loves Dr. Suess.. and so does Mom!, and many rattles, teethers and other various toys she loves to put in her mouth.
- She loves to suck on her hands 24/7.
- She rubs her eyes to let you know she is tired and ready for a nap.
- She laughs and smiles! (It is the cutest thing ever)
- She loves television... thanks to Dad.
- She's been to 2 weddings already, and loves to dance with Dad.
- She can roll over now!
Well, I'm sure there are lots of other little things I am leaving out. But that was just a little update. I promise I will update this more often!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ok.... it's been way too long since I've last posted. This weekend I am taking Hayden to Grandpa and Grandma Weiler's for the weekend, and of course Auntie Amy, Uncle Wayne and Cousin Megan will be there as well. Hayden will be 2 months old on Sunday! I can't believe it. I feel like I can never enjoy the moment. I'm am always wishing for the day when she can crawl, sit up, smile at me when I make a silly face, eat solids, babble, etc. But at the same time I am missing when I held her in my arms and she was just a little newborn peanut. I need to start learning to live more in the moment. I am definitly learning alot as a new parent and loving every minute of it! She is teaching me sooo much about myself as an individual, wife and mother.
I went back for my 6 week checkup with my OBGYN two weeks ago and towards the end of the visit he asked me if we were going to start on baby number 2 right away or if I would like him to write me a script. I gave him a look that made him whip out his pad and start scribbling without having to say anything more. But even though that was only two weeks ago I can totally see myself mentally and emotionally preparing to give Hayden a sibling. I definitely want to have more children, and although we are going to wait another year or two, I am completely in love with being Hayden's mom.
I am so happy the weather has been so nice lately. Last Friday when I got home from work I put Hayden in the stroller and we went for a walk around the block while Dad went to go get Pizza and movies for the night. I have to say I am starting to like our new neighborhood more and more. It seems to consist of alot of families with little kids. Everyone I passed on the sidewalk seemed really nice and I also discovered a playground in the middle of our subdivision; not to mention the elementary school is literally 3 blocks away. I can't wait for summer to really get here!!
I am putting up a pic of Hayden with her Auntie Erica. Erica drove all the way down from Alexandria on Sunday to visit.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I started back at work yesterday and it was probably one of the most miserable days I have had in a long time. All I could think about all day was Hayden and how I couldn't be with her. I even brought a picture of her to work with me to look at every once in a while and I called her babysitter on my lunch hour to check up on her too. Today was a little bit better though, and I have a feeling that slowly it will get better and better and I will just get used to it. But not to used to it, because eventually I will be a 'stay at home mom' at least until all our kids (yes... we are going to have at least 1 more) are in school.
So since I started work again Mike and I agreed that we would alternate nights getting up with her. I told him that I would get up with her on Tuesday night because I took a nap on Tuesday and wasn't that tired and figured that by Wednesday night after a long day at work I would be pooped. So then he would get up with her Wednesday night. Well low and behold the first night he has to get up with her she decides that she is going to sleep through the night! What the heck! This just isn't fair. As much as I couldn't believe this I am sooo happy and I am crossing my fingers that she keeps it up.
Well... that is about it for now. I having been thinking about starting to post about things other than my baby - branch out... but tonight I am just too tired, maybe next time. I still have to go give her a bath, take a shower myself, pack her stuff to go to grandma and grandpa's house for Easter this weekend and feed and put her to bed.
Here are some more recent pics (she is 6 weeks old today).
Monday, March 30, 2009
One Month Old
Hayden is now more than a month old! I can't believe it how fast time has flown by. We've noticed new changes in her almost everyday. She has definitly gotten quite a bit bigger. She is starting to fill out and get baby fat. She also has a double chin which has proven almost impossible to keep clean. She is making new noises as well. Sometimes it sounds like she is laughing or she will let out a short giggle. She also smiles more and makes better eye contact. I can't believe how fast she is growing up! And I only have 1 more week left to enjoy with her until I go back to work :(
My mom came to stay with us all of last week, which was really nice because she took the night shifts so that I could catch up on my sleep :) She also babysat Saturday night so Mike and I could enjoy a night out. We are also going to a wedding this coming in weekend in St. Cloud and we are spending the night in a hotel both Friday and Saturday night. This is going to be interesting because it will be her first overnighter. Hotels can't kick you out in the middle of the night if your baby is crying to much can they??? I hope not. Although she isn't really too bad, she only really cries when she is hungry. Hopefully it will be all good and I remember to pack everything we will need.
Well.... time for a nap.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hayden took a bath in the sink. We made a trip to Target together. Thats pretty much all that happened - I know... exciting. Somehow both of these events took almost all day.
I am pretty tired today because Hayden woke up every two hours last night, and I think I know why. I usually swaddle her at night and then she can go about 4 hours in a row. However, when it came time to go to bed last night I had forgotten that I had her swaddle sack in the wash machine and forgot to throw it in the dryer. She only has one right now... I guess I need to get more. Instead of waiting 45 minutes for it to dry and then put her down I just put her in a regular sleeper. Tonight I will not make the same mistake!
On a different note, I just realized that I only have 3 weeks of maternity leave left and then it is back to LabCorp :( Don't get me wrong, I like my job and all, but I could definitly get use to this 'stay at home mom' routine. I even threw the idea at Mike to let me go back to work part time in the evenings. This would let me stay home with her during the day and we wouldn't need daycare. He said maybe in a year or so but not right now because we need the extra money. So I guess we will see how it goes. I'm am mainly nervous about leaving her for 10 hours straight everyday. What if she forgets who I am? What if I miss out on all of her firsts? Luckily the person who will be watching her everyday is a friend who is a stay at home mom with a 1 year old. So I know she will be really good with her and be able to give her lots of attention as oppose to a daycare center or in home daycare where they have 8 million kids to 1 adult.
So I've also decided that I am going to start running again. The Twin Cities has alot of different races throughout the spring/summer/falls months and I really want to get back into it. I miss running and competing in races and I think it will help me get back into shape before I have to fit into a bridesmaids dress come October :)
PS... I think I might make a trip to Tomahawk soon. I am getting cabin fever being in this house all day long everyday, especially since the weather is getting so nice it would be nice to get out of the city and enjoy some time in the good old northwoods.
I am pretty tired today because Hayden woke up every two hours last night, and I think I know why. I usually swaddle her at night and then she can go about 4 hours in a row. However, when it came time to go to bed last night I had forgotten that I had her swaddle sack in the wash machine and forgot to throw it in the dryer. She only has one right now... I guess I need to get more. Instead of waiting 45 minutes for it to dry and then put her down I just put her in a regular sleeper. Tonight I will not make the same mistake!
On a different note, I just realized that I only have 3 weeks of maternity leave left and then it is back to LabCorp :( Don't get me wrong, I like my job and all, but I could definitly get use to this 'stay at home mom' routine. I even threw the idea at Mike to let me go back to work part time in the evenings. This would let me stay home with her during the day and we wouldn't need daycare. He said maybe in a year or so but not right now because we need the extra money. So I guess we will see how it goes. I'm am mainly nervous about leaving her for 10 hours straight everyday. What if she forgets who I am? What if I miss out on all of her firsts? Luckily the person who will be watching her everyday is a friend who is a stay at home mom with a 1 year old. So I know she will be really good with her and be able to give her lots of attention as oppose to a daycare center or in home daycare where they have 8 million kids to 1 adult.
So I've also decided that I am going to start running again. The Twin Cities has alot of different races throughout the spring/summer/falls months and I really want to get back into it. I miss running and competing in races and I think it will help me get back into shape before I have to fit into a bridesmaids dress come October :)
PS... I think I might make a trip to Tomahawk soon. I am getting cabin fever being in this house all day long everyday, especially since the weather is getting so nice it would be nice to get out of the city and enjoy some time in the good old northwoods.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
2 Weeks Old
Well, today was Hayden's 2 week checkup. Can you believe she is already 2 weeks old!! I can't. She is growing up so fast and soon will be heading off to college :( Ok... well maybe not soooo soon. Her check up went well. This was pretty much my first alone outing with her which I was a little nervous about. I overpacked her diaper back with way too many things and never once opened it the entire trip out. Hey... I was expecting the worst and at least I was prepared, so there. And although the nurse kept calling her "he" and "him" (I didn't correct her.. after all I did dress her all in dark green and her car seat is brown, green and cream colored.) I think she was a little taken aback when I pulled out a bright pink blanket to swaddle her in after she weighed her. Oh well. It was slightly humerous. She now weighs 7lbs and 10 ounces. So she has gained a whole pound since she has been born. What can I say - she is a bottomless pit, which she gets from her dad. Oh in other big news... her belly button fell off today!! yeah! we are so happy, because I always felt like I had to be so extra careful and manuver around it all the time when changing her.
Grandma Palin also came to visit today so I could go out by myself. I spent two whole hours at Target! I could have probably spent all day at that store though so thats not really a big deal.. but it felt oh so good to get out and not worry about Hayden. I forgot to get my dad's birthday present when I went out though so now I have to take her out with me tomorrow to go get it anyways since my parents are coming to visit on Saturday. Well see how it goes.
Hayden also started sleeping in her own bedroom last night. Mom and dad finally had enough of waking up at every little grunt, moan and cry she would let out during the night. I figure if she is crying I will hear her no problem. I also got her to sleep 4 hours in a row twice last night - which was awesome! I think it had to do with this swaddle sack I started to use. As soon as I wrapped her up in it she calmed down and went right to sleep. We will see if it lasts.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
1 Week Checkup and Visitors
Hayden had her 1 week check up on Thursday and everything went well! All of our concerns we had, the doctor assured us that they were totally normal (constant hiccups, not wanting to wake up to eat - this little lady loves her sleep! , and congested nose). She has also gained back the weight she had lost when she had left the hospital... which was only 4 oz. but now she is back up to her birth weight, which the doctor says is excellent. Mike and I also noticed that she is already starting to look bigger. I know this is suppose to happen.. but come on! she is only 1 week old and she is already growing up too fast! Oh well, I guess thats how it goes.
I was a little bit nervous about Thursday night because Mike officially went back to work on Friday, and we agreed that I would be the one to get up with Hayden at night while I was still on maternity leave so that he could get his sleep. He just got promoted to store manager and needs lots of rest so we agreed to this arrangement, (except on the weekends of course) and then once I go back to work in 5 more weeks we will go back to taking turns getting up with her. But hopefully by then she won't need to get up quite so much. I think she is actually pretty good though I have nothing to compare her to since she is our first. Last night she only need to get up twice to eat between 11 and 7. So Mike and I only had to each get up once in the night which isn't so bad. Espcially for me, since anyone who knows me knows I love my sleep... which is probably where my daughter gets it from.
This weekend we also had some visitors come. My sister Amy, niece Megan, Amy's friend Emily and her 6 month old daughter Sally came to visit. Everyone was very excited to meet Hayden, especially Megan. She seems to love the role of the 'big cousin'. Amy was kind enough to help out feeding and changing Hayden on Saturday so that Mike and I could catch up on our sleep. She also babysat for a few hours Sat. night so that we could go catch a movie. And I must say as much as I loved getting out alone with my husband for a few hours, I really really missed my baby :(
Well, that is all for now...
I was a little bit nervous about Thursday night because Mike officially went back to work on Friday, and we agreed that I would be the one to get up with Hayden at night while I was still on maternity leave so that he could get his sleep. He just got promoted to store manager and needs lots of rest so we agreed to this arrangement, (except on the weekends of course) and then once I go back to work in 5 more weeks we will go back to taking turns getting up with her. But hopefully by then she won't need to get up quite so much. I think she is actually pretty good though I have nothing to compare her to since she is our first. Last night she only need to get up twice to eat between 11 and 7. So Mike and I only had to each get up once in the night which isn't so bad. Espcially for me, since anyone who knows me knows I love my sleep... which is probably where my daughter gets it from.
This weekend we also had some visitors come. My sister Amy, niece Megan, Amy's friend Emily and her 6 month old daughter Sally came to visit. Everyone was very excited to meet Hayden, especially Megan. She seems to love the role of the 'big cousin'. Amy was kind enough to help out feeding and changing Hayden on Saturday so that Mike and I could catch up on our sleep. She also babysat for a few hours Sat. night so that we could go catch a movie. And I must say as much as I loved getting out alone with my husband for a few hours, I really really missed my baby :(
Well, that is all for now...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
First Week Home
Hayden has been in this world for exactly one week now. I delivered her at 12:52am on Thursday, the 26th of February. Unfortunately there were some minor complications during birth. Because my water broke at 8:00am on the 25th and I didn't deliver her until 17 hrs later, the risk of infection was high. Around 11pm I had a fever of 103 and Hayden's heartrate went way up. I was put on Pitocin to increase the contractions and within two hours Hayden was born. The doctor ordered blood tests on both of us to check for infection. Because of this we had to stay in the hospital until Saturday night. Hayden also had to stay in the NICU because she needed to get antibiotics. This was really hard... because I had planned on having her room in with me so I could be with her the entire time. But since she was in the NICU we couldn't take her out and only Mike and I could go in a hold her. I was able to go in every three hours to feed her which was nice. But I was so happy we were able to come home on Saturday night when all her tests came back normal.
The first night home was a little rough as we were trying to establish her sleeping and eating routine. We introduced her to Misha which I was a little bit nervous about, but it went surprisingly well. Misha just sniffed her a little bit and that was about it. I think she is now starting to realize that Hayden is here to stay. Mike and I have been taking turns getting up throughout the night to feed and change Hayden. We are a little sleep deprived right now but each night has gotten a little bit better and I think we are finally starting to establish a good schedule. I am really surprised at how much she has been eating and sleeping though. When we left the hospital on Sat. she would eat about 50 ml in one feeding, and it has only been 4 days and she now eats twice that in a feeding. What a pig!
We gave her her first sponge bath yesterday and although she cried pretty much the entire time I really think she enjoyed being clean again and not smelling like old milk... yuk! As soon as I took her out of the bath, wrapped her in a blanket and held her it wasn't long until she was back to sleep again. We have her first drs. appt tomorrow and it will be the first time we are taking her out. Hopefully all goes well and the dr. says she is doing well in every way.
Well... that is all I have for now. I am posting some pics we have taken during her first few days home.
The first night home was a little rough as we were trying to establish her sleeping and eating routine. We introduced her to Misha which I was a little bit nervous about, but it went surprisingly well. Misha just sniffed her a little bit and that was about it. I think she is now starting to realize that Hayden is here to stay. Mike and I have been taking turns getting up throughout the night to feed and change Hayden. We are a little sleep deprived right now but each night has gotten a little bit better and I think we are finally starting to establish a good schedule. I am really surprised at how much she has been eating and sleeping though. When we left the hospital on Sat. she would eat about 50 ml in one feeding, and it has only been 4 days and she now eats twice that in a feeding. What a pig!
We gave her her first sponge bath yesterday and although she cried pretty much the entire time I really think she enjoyed being clean again and not smelling like old milk... yuk! As soon as I took her out of the bath, wrapped her in a blanket and held her it wasn't long until she was back to sleep again. We have her first drs. appt tomorrow and it will be the first time we are taking her out. Hopefully all goes well and the dr. says she is doing well in every way.
Well... that is all I have for now. I am posting some pics we have taken during her first few days home.
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