We went back to Tomahawk for the the 4th of July this year. Luckily, car rides with Hayden go really well as she just sleeps the entire time - which means mom also gets to sleep! (Dad drove and Misha rides shotgun). We got to my parents on Friday and just hung out for a while and then Grandpa and Grandma babysat while we went downtown with Kelly and enjoyed the festivities going on. I have to say it is fun to go back once in a while and run into people you haven't see in years! Saturday we went out on the boat for a while out on the Wisconsin River. It was Hayden's first boat ride, and I had bought an infant life jacket for her trying to be a "good parent" and all. Well, first of all, getting her in it was a challenge in itself. Then, once she was in it she looked pretty uncomfortable. I made her wear it for about 15 minutes and then we took it off her. There was no way she was enjoying herself with that thing on her. She seemed to enjoy herself after that for the most part. I thought maybe she would be scared of the loud motor but she was pretty content... until she got hungry of course. Then Sat evening we had a campfire, the neighbors came over and we let off a bunch of fireworks. Then on Sunday, Tarsie, Gary and Kelly came over for a while to visit. And after that we hit the happy trail back to Minnesota! That pretty much sums up the 4th for us - very fun and relaxing! And note to self: Misha will be sleeping outside with Dakota and Kacey next time.... lets just say she got into some Green Chili Dip and had a little accident in the guest bedroom at 4 in the morning!!
*New accomplishment of the week: Hayden can almost hold her bottle all by herself!!
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