Sunday, December 21, 2008

So it has been over a month since I have posted on here, and I'm sure that anyone who was every reading my blog gave up on me. But I am back people! Here is an update: we finally moved into our house the 3rd weekend in November. Mike's parents came down on a Friday and helped Mike move all our furniture over... I had to work that day. I felt bad for not being able to help but I probably wouldn't have been able to move much myself anyways. Plus it was really nice to come home to our new house and have everything moved in. I am however, still in the processes of unpacking everything. Then the following weekend my entire family came over for Thanksgiving, which was alot of fun and it was nice to see everyone all at once. Amy and I hit up the Black Friday sales... which ultimately sucked. The only store we were going to buy something at was Kohl's and the line to check out was about a mile long. The only reason I really wanted to go though was because I had never done it before, so at least I can say I have experienced that madness and I can safely say I will never put my self through that again.

I am 30 weeks right now, and counting. I am finding it very hard not to keep a countdown going. I have my next Drs. appt on the 30th and we have to go every two weeks now until Feb, and then it is every week after that. We also just registered for our birthing/preparation class, which we are luckily getting done in one weekend. We have the changing table and half of the crib set up and I have washed and organized all the cloths I have so far. We still have to paint the room which I'm not sure exactly what color I want to do yet. The bedding set Amy is making for me has mainly pink and blue in it. I'm not a huge fan of pink, so I don't think I want to paint her entire room pink. But I am afraid that if I go with blue it will look too much like a boy's room. So I am trying to figure out a way to incorporate both without looking too busy or gaudy. And I don't want to just paint it white because all the furniture is white and then it will just look like a solitary confinement room for a baby. Oh well, we still have two months to figure it out.

Ok... I am going to complain about one other thing. I can't wait until Christmas/Winter is over! I am already looking forward to summer and I believe today is only the first day of winter on the calendar... how sad. We put up our Christmas tree and decorated the weekend we moved in so I feel like it has been Christmas for forever now. I'm not too fond of the cold and wind... and the snow is ok, except when it takes me an extra hour and a half to get to and from work. Ok... I'm done.

I am posting a couple pics I just took of my baby bump since I have been getting requests. Mike says I look gianormis (word taken from Paris's vocabulary), but I still don't feel like I am that big. Although it does take me quite some time to put my socks and shoes on these days. And I have found out that I am unable to paint my toenails. I tried the other night and got one done and gave up. Otherwise I am feelin' pretty good. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

So here I am at 25 weeks. I think my belly growth is starting to slow down a little bit now. I felt like up until week 16/17 I just felt bloated. And then between week 17 to about week 23/24 my belly quadrupled in size, and now it is starting to slow down again. I am proud to say I have not yet bought any maternity cloths. Well... ok, I did buy two belly bands - one black, and one white. But I got them at Target for cheap... and compared to $30 for one pair of maternity pants, thats a great deal! Plus I can wear them with all my regular pants, just unbuttoned. I figure that as long as I can still get them over my ass I am ok :) Oh... I am also including a picture of my dog Misha. She was whining at me when I was taking pictures of my belly, so I figured she was jealous and took one of her too. My next appointment is Dec. 5th, and then I have to start going every two weeks. Thats kind of scary, cause it means it is getting closer. Alot of people have asked me if I am nervous to be a parent for the first time. But I really don't think I am at all. After taking care of a niece and lots of friends babies I feel pretty confident to do it on my own now. Oh, I know you all are thinking that I won't be alone cause I have Mike, but if you new how little my husband actually new about babies you would understand. I would have to say that honestly the thing that freaks me out the most about everything is the labor part. I am a pretty big wuss.

Well... gotta get back to my friends reruns and leftover halloween candy (I know this will be great for my GTT at my next appt.)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ok, I figured it was about time for a new post. Some days I really feel like writing on here and then I can go a week and just have nothing to say... either that or I am just lazy. Well, I am 24 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Only 16 more weeks to go. Woo hoo! Hopefully not any more than that! I would love it if I went into labor on my due date so I can plan my maternity right up to the date, although I don't know what those chances are. Oh well. I am really excited to see Erica tomorrow. She is going to come stay with us for the weekend. Any maybe I can get some good cleaning/packing out of her :) The baby is kicking a ton now, which is really reassuring. And I am starting to feel really, really big... so I can't really imagine what I will look like 3 months from now. Ok, well my dog is jumping on the patio door so I guess that is my signal to wrap this up so I can go let her inside.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A little Tribute -
I was very shocked and sad to find out that one of my favorite authors of all time - michael crichton has died. I think I've read almost every one of his books. My favorites would have to be Andromeda Strain and Prey. Besides all the great books he has written, I also fell in love with this little known TV show called ER, which he was the creator of. Thanks to you Michael I developed a celebrity crush when I was in middle school that would continue to haunt me for the rest of my life.. (George Clooney).

Monday, November 3, 2008

Well, I haven't written anything in a while, but I thought I would write a post in honor of my first successful draw tonight. For anyone who reads this and doesn't know, I am taking a Phlebotomy Class at night for my job. I was pretty nervous at first since I there were about 20 other people watching and waiting for me screw up. But I did everything right, and drew blood! Woo hoo! I think I was actually more nervous when it came time for someone to draw me.

Anywho, Mike and I are officially closing on our house tomorrow morning. It was postponed a few days due to the bank being official a holes... but were over that, cause at least we are getting the house we really want! I can't wait to finally move out of this closet we live in. And Misha will be so happy to have a backyard to play in she will think she went to doggy heaven.

And in baby news... I am 22 weeks and 5 days right now. Ok, why don't we just call it 23 weeks. That sounds better. I am going to post a pic of my belly I took tonight along with the ultrasound pictures. I might have to battle my scanner for a while, but I am determined to get them posted.

Oh... and I can't wait for the day when I turn on the TV and can watch it for more than 3 minutes without seeing another stupid campaign ad/attack... whatever you want to call it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

So Saturday I decided I was going to go register for the baby. I will admit, it was a little bit intimitdating. Of course there were about 5 other couples registering at the same time and I was the only pregnant lady by myself. I started at the bottle/pacifier aisle (which seemed about a mile long and twenty feet high). Why does there have to be soooo many choices these days. I had know idea what I was doing. So after about a three hours wandering around aimlessly, I had successfully scanned about 10 things. I am going to go back and finish, but will probably wait until someone who knows something about babies can come with and help. I've also decided that I would like Santa to bring me both a sewing machine and a Cuisnart. I am going to attempt to start sewing - it would be nice to be able to make my own baby/kids cloths. And I also want to try making my own baby food. Baby food is way expensive, for like two spoonfuls of food. Plus this way it won't have all that extra crap like perservatives, food dye, sugar, etc. Well, I may not succeed at either of these endeavors but at least I will have tried. Ok... off to bed. P.S. I still have yet for someone to ask me if I am pregnant/when I am due/if I know what I am having... etc.... Come on people! Do I just look fat or what?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

And so it begins...

Ok, so I've finally, finally started a blog. Although I've always thought a blog would be a great forum to just write about anything whenever I wanted, I'm not sure if I am quite comfortable with the idea of random people reading it. Its still kind of weird. But oh well.. at least it gets me to write again. Which I love to do and probably haven't really done it since, oh I don't know, I was in school. I really don't have to much to write about today but I do want to say a few things to this little being I have growing inside of me.

I am 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant with you today. We had our ultrasound on Oct. 10th and found out you are a girl! Or as our Dr. put it... "I definitly see no boy parts". It has become a daily ritual for you to kick me in the bladder whenever you feel like it. Although this is very physically uncomfortable it is comforting to known you are making yourself right at home in there (but don't get to comfortable... this is not a permanent living arrangment). I have so far had a pretty easy pregnancy, thank God! I have not thrown up once and I have yet to see any stretch marks (knock on wood)!! This time with you is going by quite fast, and before you know it you will be 6 years old and telling me that NEED to have a cell phone. Oh the joy!

PS. I will post some ultrasound pics as soon as I get my scanner up and running again.

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