Monday, March 30, 2009

One Month Old

Hayden is now more than a month old! I can't believe it how fast time has flown by. We've noticed new changes in her almost everyday. She has definitly gotten quite a bit bigger. She is starting to fill out and get baby fat. She also has a double chin which has proven almost impossible to keep clean. She is making new noises as well. Sometimes it sounds like she is laughing or she will let out a short giggle. She also smiles more and makes better eye contact. I can't believe how fast she is growing up! And I only have 1 more week left to enjoy with her until I go back to work :(

My mom came to stay with us all of last week, which was really nice because she took the night shifts so that I could catch up on my sleep :) She also babysat Saturday night so Mike and I could enjoy a night out. We are also going to a wedding this coming in weekend in St. Cloud and we are spending the night in a hotel both Friday and Saturday night. This is going to be interesting because it will be her first overnighter. Hotels can't kick you out in the middle of the night if your baby is crying to much can they??? I hope not. Although she isn't really too bad, she only really cries when she is hungry. Hopefully it will be all good and I remember to pack everything we will need.

Well.... time for a nap.


Deidre said...

I hope your transition back to work goes well, Stef!!! Don't worry about not packing everything. Odds are, you'll do what we all do and pack WAY too much. Besides, this system has never failed me :) Enjoy your weekend out.

lolly said...

I just about died every month that seemed to go by too fast, at first, but it is so much easier now. keep taking lots of pictures!


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